Established on 1 June 1981, Thai Saeng Fa Trading Partnership Limited, has, since then, continually introduced and imported a variety of products like phones, emergency lights, and household appliances, into the market under the CASIKO brand.


For over 30 years, CASIKO has been recognized as a leading importer and distributor of best quality electric appliances and household appliances. Throughout our business operation, CASIKO has always offered the qualified products with affordable prices to our consumers. That’s why we have gained the tremendous trust from a lot of customers on providing them the products that can ideally satisfy their comfortable living. It is therefore our responsibility to develop the products continuously to meet the changing needs and lifestyles in particular in the “Modern Life” society nowadays.


According to our in-depth study on the consumers’ needs, we found that only the innovation or technology cannot successfully build a good basis for the happy Modern Life society. On the other hand, the most important thing is that everyone and every household will be truly fulfilled with happiness only when “The Modern Life can be accessed thoroughly, comfortably, and pleasantly.”


From this very reason, CASIKO has turned to pay importance to the design and manufacture of products using the creative innovation and technology. Realizing the needs of our consumers, our products are various and cover all needs accordingly. Moreover, all products actually work with full efficiency as their functions have been “deliberately thought for consumers” and designed to be “consumer-friendly” as much as possible. With our semi-automation system, just press a command button required, the appliances will be perfectly functioned. Having equally paid importance to every consumer, our high-efficiency and innovative products are offered to everyone and every family with accessible and affordable prices.


Until now, CASIKO is still very determined to continually build a good basis of Modern Life society for Thais with innovative and creative electric appliances that can meet all needs of daily living with the aim to facilitate and improve the quality of life among consumers, enhance a close relationship, and encourage all people to be proud of their own lifestyles. Finally, a real living happiness among our consumers can become true.

Our Core Value

“Innovative Products fulfilling the Modern Life needs

with innovation and technology that can be simply accessed and experienced by everyone and every family.”


“Accessible & Experienceable Innovation”

All CASIKO electric appliances are designed and manufactured based on the concept that innovation and technology should be harmoniously blended into a daily living of consumers. Innovation will be closer than you think and it will totally facilitate and support all living dimensions in the Modern Life society.


“All Needs Satisfied with Highest Efficiency”

The electric appliances of CASIKO are manufactured with good quality materials under manufacturing quality control and several times of performance tests to ensure that you will get the qualified products with full functions and efficiency.


“Smart Choice of Modern Life”

CASIKO greatly represents the electric appliances that are most suitable for modern living, improved quality of life, more comfortable and happier living.


“Easier & More Comfortable Housework and Kitchen Activities through Creative Innovation”

All commands and functions of electric appliances and household appliances are deliberately designed and developed to be “Consumer-friendly” as much as possible. As each level of functions of the electric appliances is determined and controlled via the semi-automation system, the users just simply choose a button they want and the appliances will be fully functioned. Apart from this, all command and function buttons are designed to be easily understood, simple, and uncomplicated.

Our Promise

“We promise to continue creating and developing the technology that will be applied to the manufacture of household facilities constantly to promote the quality of life of everyone and every family to completely and successfully enjoy the Modern Life society.

Our top quality innovative products will satisfy the different lifestyles with accessible and affordable prices.

CASIKO will consistently fulfill all dimensions of life with our best products served to our customers, partners, business appliances, society, as well as the environment.”